It's finally my turn to write a post so I think it's best to do it right away.
We've all been here for around 10 days now and I'm pretty sure everyone is enjoying themselves a lot and having been doing quite a bit.
We all had our first week of school last week. It was a new experience for us all, even myself who has experienced it before. A large section of the school has been relatively recently renovated and a very big amount has been added on since I was last here. The way classes operate has also changed slightly. Last time, it was the teachers who would move between different classrooms where the students waited for the next class, but the school has since adopted a system in which each teacher has their own classroom and the students have to move around. More like ours at home.
I've been up to a few things whilst I've been here. One day, I drove with my family to a town not too far away, and we stopped at the bottom of a mountain track. We met up with a few other families there, including Ryan's and Eleisha Young's. We then proceded to make our way up the mountain. It was a beautiful walk but extremely tiring. Once we reached the top, I was surprised to find a very, very nice restaurant at the top. What was even more surprising was that it was almost full. It was a surprise because the only way up the mountain was the very tiring walking track. I don't think I know many people in Australia that, of a weekend, would simply hike up a mountain for the sake of it. But here it's quite common.
That's only one example of the many, many things I and the others have been up to during our stay so far. And there's still heaps more planned, (and not planned).
Homesickness hasn't really been a problem for me, probably because it's not my first time away from home for so long, and also probably because most of my home is here with me.. but nonetheless, not everyone is here and it can be a little sad at times. Especially when you can't talk to people regularly because of time differences. But hopefully with a bit more time, it won't be as bad.
This is just a small insight into the activities and feelings I'm sure most of us have been doing or having.
I look forward to writing my next post.
Signing off,
Joshua J. E. Kusch
Nun ist es soweit, die Australier sind schon seit 1 Woche und 4 Tagen hier. Ich denke und bin auch der Meinung, dass sie sich alle schon in ihren Familien gut eingelebt haben. In der Schule kommen Sie auch schon gut zurecht und sind mit dem Wandern der Klassen zufrieden. Ich habe mit meinem Austauschpartner Josh Kusch schon viel unternommen. Wir waren auf der Tregler Alm nähe Bad Feilnbach, in Rosenheim mit Laura und Ryan und letzten Samstag waren wir in der Erdinger Therme. Letze Woche war die ganze Austauschgruppe am Donnerstag und Freitag in Passau und konnten sich dort die Stadt anschauen. Am Freitag fuhren wir dann in den Bayrischen Wald und konnten dort Tiere und Bäume anschauen.
Adrian Schubert
Kommentare zum Post (Atom)
Quite brilliantly written, Josh. Very well done. I look forward to your next post.
AntwortenLöschenHi Josh & everyone else,
AntwortenLöschenValeria and I are catching up on all the latest happenings as posted on the blog. Today is the first day back at school for Term 4. The Year 10 German class is very quiet without the rest of you. We look forward to reading more blogs and hearing detailed reports when people return.
Sounds like people have been doing different walks/ hikes around the local area to see the sights. Might also help burn up the calories from the Kaffee und Kuchen I'm sure many of you have already participated in.
Katrina Ciolli